Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

I've seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) so many times that I could quote most of it and sing along with about every song. It's not the best musical ever made, but it's so damn quirky and catchy that you can't help but love it.

The story follows newlyweds Brad and Janet as their car gets a flat tire near a creepy old castle. They decide the best thing to do is see who's home and ask for help. Upon entering the castle they find a party going on, but nobody at the party is quite normal and they haven't seen anything yet. They stumble upon a twisted transvestite doctor's diabolical plan to create the perfect man. While distracted by this, others in the group hatch a plan to overthrow the doctor and Brad and Janet become caught in the middle of it all. The movie is paced very well and the music keeps the mood upbeat through most of the movie. Things get a little jumbled toward the end, but by the time it's all done that doesn't really matter. It's really a movie that is experienced rather than just watched.

A personal favorite of mine, even with its obviously low production values. (8.6/10)

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