Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Hurt Locker

I felt like I had missed something when I watched The Hurt Locker (2008) because everyone was hailing it as one of the best movies ever made. I just didn't get it. The movie never came across to me as anything more than your basic war movie.

The story follows a young soldier in the middle east who is somewhat of a thrill seeker. He's constantly putting those around him at great risk and seems to have no regard whatsoever for his own life. As he goes through different experiences, you think his outlook is going to change, but all that goes out the window in the end where he's still just as reckless as ever. I tried to find something to like about this movie, but I just couldn't. The acting isn't really that great, the story is choppy and struggles to stay together, and the hand-held direction of the movie is absolutely atrocious. When Kathryn Bigelow won Best Director last year, I almost cried. Not only should Sofia Coppola have been the first female winner of that award for Lost in Translation years ago, but it should have gone to James Cameron last year for the amazing movie Avatar.

All around this movie was lost on me and the intense critical praise it received made me like it even less. (5.4/10)

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