Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meet the Spartans

While looking over previous posts I've realized that even though I've reviewed some movies I didn't like, I never reviewed an absolutely terrible movie. That's where Meet the Spartans (2008) comes in.

Even though it was universally panned when it was released, I got suckered into watching it for myself. And I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The story made barely any sense, as though it were just a thin line of ideas to string pop culture references together. I could picture people in the audience going "haha, Paris Hilton is totally like that" or "wow, that was a spot on Britney Spears impression." It was the same filth from the same people who killed the once-great MadTV and I can't say enough terrible things about it. The only redeeming factor was the eye candy that is Sean McGuire. Beyond that I couldn't take watching the movie.

A 0.0/10 film gets a slight bump up for including a hot guy. I guess I'm just that shallow. (1.5/10)

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